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About Us

Thank you for taking time to visit our website.

Wheatsheaf Church Leicester, formerly Wheatsheaf Christian Community Church, has met in Knighton Fields for 16 years.

Our mission is to worship and glorify Jesus, equip the church family, and serve our local community through sharing the good news of Jesus Christ.

Our Pastors

Our leaders are accredited ministers with Barnabas Fellowship of Churches, in association with the Evangelical Alliance


Alastair and Jill Gray

Alastair's story

Alastair shares how he became a Christian.....

guests and family in the garden 7.jpg

Family stories

The following section includes members stories and experiences of becoming a Christian and walking daily with God.

Our Prayer Connections

We are part of the wider church in Leicester.

We have active relationships with many churches and Christian organisations.


Reshet Ministries

Reshet ministries, meaning “net” or “network” in Hebrew, was the name given in 2009 to a network of Christian leaders in Leicester who for a number of years had shared a burden to promote a biblical understanding of the significance of Israel and its relevance to the Church today.


Watchmen on the Wall

Watchmen on the Wall is a group of Christians from many different churches and denominations who have committed themselves to intercede for Leicester/shire.  By each taking a one hour prayer slot each week they aim to have a continuous prayer to God for His Kingdom to come in the City and County.  We meet four times a year as Watchmen on the second Saturday of February, May, August and November from 2:30 pm to 4:30 pm at Central Baptist Church, Leicester for worship and prayer.


Eternal Wall

Eternal Wall of Answered Prayer is a huge Christian landmark. It will sit in the heart of the UK. The gigantic monument of hope will host a million accounts of answered prayer, making it the largest database of hope stories in the world.
Each brick will recount a personal, specific way in which God has answered a prayer for people both now and in the past, offering a vast amount of experiences all explaining how God has come through for individuals in the midst of life’s storms. 
We want to see Jesus’ miraculous and loving nature celebrated through these answered prayers and believe that the one million testimonies will ignite faith, and belief in the power of prayer, on a national level.

Sharing the Good News



Mission24 believes... Mankind was created in the image of God to be in relationship with Him, but their disobedience damaged the perfect relationship with the creator God and corrupted the human heart, incurring divine wrath and judgement. BUT
Salvation is solely a work of God's free grace and cannot be earned by works, goodness or religious ceremony. God imputes His righteousness to those who put their faith in Christ alone for their salvation.

UNITED Churches in Leicestershire

Churches working together to share the Good News!

People In Church

Barnabas Fellowship of Churches

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